Early childhood education remains an important determinant on a learner’s performance and general behavior as he or she progresses to higher levels of learning.
That’s why every parent wishes their child to go to a formative year institution that provides an excellent academic base.
No doubt teachers play a vital role not only in academic performance but also in moral development of young learners.
Most tutors who teach learners in those levels have a minimum qualification of a Diploma in Early Childhood Teacher Education (DECTE). ECDE teachers are compelled to do the following in the school:-
classroom teaching
Streamlining and facilitating access by learners to play/learning resources.
Management of ECDE classes by keeping professional and administrative records i.e. work plan, lesson plan, daily schedule of activities, class attendance register among other records
Ensuring the safety and security of the learners in the school.
Caring for and nurturing learners spiritually, morally, socially, mentally, physically and emotionally
With the establishment of the new constitution in 2010, ECDE education was transferred to county governments.
This means that all 47 county governments are responsible for recruiting teachers, remuneration, and building ECDE classrooms among other obligations.
Unlike the Teachers Service Commission (TSC), county governments pay different salaries to ECDE teachers regardless of their qualifications.
Below is the amount of salaries earned by ECDE teachers in different counties. Counties paying less than a year 10,000/=
s/no county
1. Baringo
2. Narok
3. Bomet
4. Kakamega
5. Vihiga
6. Uasin Gishu
7. Kilifi
8. Migori
9. Kisumu
10. Laikipia
11. 12. Kiambu
13. Siaya.
14. Kericho
Certificate holders in those counties receive Ksh 7,500, while Diplomat Pockets receive Ksh 8,500 monthly
2. Paying County Ksh 10,000 to 20,000/-
s/no county
1. any
2. Nyamira
3. Nandi
4. Mombasa
5. Trans Nazoia
6. Kirinyaga
7. Kwale
8. Meru
9. Kisumu
10. Isiolo
12. Mechanic
13. Nyeri
14. Murang’a
15. Machakos
16. Isiolo
17. Marsabit
3. County which Ksh 20,000 /= . pay more than
s/no county
1. Taita Taveta
3. Wajir
4. Kajiado
5. Turkana