Kenya Universities and Colleges Central Placement Service (KUCCPS) will in the course of June 2022 Release placement results for candidates who sat 2021 KCSE Examinations .
The Placement agency will then open the inter institution Transfer process for those candidates who will not be satisficed with where they will be placed.
How to Apply for Inter-University Transfer 2022
Follow the steps below to apply for inter university transfer:-
Visit KUCCPS website via
Enter your KCSE index number ,2021 as the ‘KCSE year’ ,use your KCPE index number or birth certificate number as password to login into your account.
Click on the ‘transfers’ tab on the top of the window and follow the steps below.
STEP 1:-Select the programme you want to transfer to ,In the inter institution transfer field insert the Programme code. You will proceed only if you meet the cut off points and other minimum requirements for the specific course in the institution.
KUCCPS inter university
STEP 2:-Reason For transfer: The placement service demands that a candidate provides a solid reason for transfer. Main reasons for transfer are; Medical reasons, Financial reasons ,Person with Disability, Not my preferred programme or other(You specify).
Attach any relevant document that supports the reason for your transfer after which you will be required(in not less than 300 and not more than 600 words) to explain the reason for initiating the transfer. The next page will load automatically if all fields are filled.
STEP 3:-Transfer payment: A non refundable transfer fee of Sh 1,000 is paid to KUCCPS via Mpesa .You will follow the procedures indicated in the current window to make payments. After entering the Mpesa confirmation code ,the system will validate and automatically load the next step.
STEP 4:-Approval by Receiving institution: The institution you applied to transfer to will receive your application, Considering the availability of space of the course at the institution, the receiving institution may endorse or reject your request.
STEP 5:-Approval by release institution: If your application is accepted by the receiving institution, the releasing institution will most probably endorse your transfer.
STEP 6:-Approval by KUCCPS: After your transfer is approved by both the releasing and receiving institutions, the placement service will review your application.
STEP 7:-Once your application has been reviewed by KUCCPS ,you will be required to download the transfer letter which you will present to the receiving institution during admission.
Inter institution transfer is done Online. No physical presentation of application forms to any office.
Inter faculty/change of course is done by the institution(University/College) and not by KUCCPS.
Our media team will notify all eligible candidates when application for inter institution transfer is open.