The following 1025 listed teachers to receive promotion letters as from next month. Checkout the names
Following the commission’s adoption of the new modalities that influence teacher promotions, teacher promotions have recently proven to be a significant challenge.
Apart from teachers who are automatically promoted from Job Group K to L, all other job groups require interviews to be promoted.
A number of teachers have remained in job group L for as long as 15 years without being promoted.
With the career progression guidelines in place,teachers promotions have been structured in a different way.
The teachers workforce has also in the recent past witnessed the acquisition of higher degrees,diplomas,masters and even doctorate degrees.
Despite this feat,the holders of these mouthwatering credentials have not been enjoying any promotions by TSC, that is to say that presenting these additional qualifications To TSC for consideration for promotion has not yielded any returns.
With the new push, Parliament compels Teachers Service Commission (TSC) to promote teachers who have acquired diplomas, bachelor’s, master’s and doctorate degrees while in service.
However, following the recent development in TSC, Thousands of teachers who have acquired these higher qualifications while in service could be gearing up for a possible promotion after the parliament recommended so.
There is also a petition by Kenya National Teachers Pressure Group KNTPG has sought to compel the Teachers employer to move with speed and promote these teachers.
This being part of their homestreach activities,Parliament recommended that TSC starts considering this category of instructors for promotions.
“The TSC should within six months of adoption of this report open negotiations with teachers’ unions on the Career Progression Guidelines (CPGs) and uphold the rights of teachers who have acquired relevant qualifications at the time of their in-service.
“Further TSC shall give guidelines on relevant courses to be undertaken by teachers,” the report reads in part.
The Parliamentarians further asked TSC to submit their budget requirements to cater for promotions of qualified teachers in the a financial year.