Teachers with masters and PhDs to be promoted in upcoming TSC Promotions.
Several teachers who have achieved higher qualifications while in teaching are likely to be promoted following National Assembly recommendations to the TSC after a successful petition from a splinter teachers union.
Martha Omollo, spokesperson for the Kenya National Teachers Pressure Group (KNTPG), has petitioned Parliament to force the TSC to promote teachers who have earned bachelor’s, master’s and doctoral degrees while in service. As a result, the outgoing Parliament recommended that the TSC recognize teachers who have achieved higher qualifications while in service.
The TSC should, after adopting the report, negotiate Career Advancement Guidelines (CPG) with teachers’ unions and promote teachers who have obtained relevant qualifications in service within the first six months.
In addition, the commission provides guidelines on relevant courses to be taken by teachers according to the report of the Education and Research Committee adopted by parliamentarians.
Members of Parliament noted that teacher promotions are in line with UNESCO / ILO recommendations dating back to 1966 which codify the intellectual rights of teachers undertaking and concluding relevant in-service courses. ”
The commission had recognized teachers who acquire higher qualifications through promotions, but stopped automatic promotions starting in 2014 and introduced CPGs in 2016.
Members of Parliament instructed the teachers’ employer to also present the budget requirements for the promotion of all qualified teachers in the 2023/2024 budget estimates for consideration by them.
Recommendations are compulsive for the Teacher Service Commission.
Unions pushed for teacher promotion while TSC defended the Code of Regulations for Teachers and CPGs, citing that the two tools provide the minimum qualification required for each working group and conditions that must be met prior to promotions.
From the recommendation, the TSC should promote teachers who graduated before 2014. They used their resources to study but are now beyond the same working group.
Previously primary school teachers were directly promoted to working group L and K after earning bachelor’s, master’s or PhD
The TSC responded by saying that there has been a high influx of teachers who have acquired higher qualifications which have made the policy fiscally unsustainable.
This month ends in a few days and thousands of teachers hired by the Teachers Service Commission (TSC) will leave…