The official TSC Score sheet For Post Primary Teachers Recruitment in 2022 has been produced by Teachers Service Commission,and is the most recent version.
All the applicants who served as teacher interns are noted on the recruitment score sheet as;
15 marks as an internship for three (3) years.
10 marks for those who served for two years and those serving for first year of an internship the moment 5marks
All the qualified applicants must submit an online application for the positions and wait for shortlisting.
The teachers service commission will then invite candidates for interviews following the shortlisting process.
As per to the Public Officers Ethics Act and the 2015 TSC Code of Conduct and Ethics, the Selection Panel will be held to the highest standards of accountability and transparency.
Just before the selection process begins, the Head of Institution must brief the panel members on the pertinent sections of the Act 2015.
The TSC County Director MUST make sure that the application and interview processes strictly follow the COVID-19 pandemic containment guidelines established by the Ministry of Health.
This is the official TSC score sheet for recruitment.
Recruitment Score sheet for Secondary Teachers.
Success to all teachers who shall attended the interviews