KNEC has released the complete list of 7th grade school selection.
The Kenya National Examinations Council (KNEC) has released the full list of schools for Grade 6 students to choose from when selecting secondary schools for Grade 7.
The council has also established a procedure for Grade 6 students in choosing a junior high school.
KNEC has uploaded the list of JSSs on portal.
Teachers applying for the 2022 Kenya Primary School Education Assessment (KPSEA) have been advised to access the list of schools and students using their school credentials (username and password) to select a school for JSS.
After logging into the CBA portal, teachers are asked to click on the “Grade 6” icon, then select “register students”, then click the “select high school” button next to the student’s name. choice
Every student is expected to choose: two national schools, two regional schools, two district schools, four district schools and two private junior high schools. Parents are expected to pay tuition at private schools.
According to KNEC Chief Executive Officer David Njeng, questions about JSS missing or needing to be entered into the KNEC portal should be directed to the District Education Officer through the District Education Officer for guidance.
The portal, which opened on Monday, August 15, will remain open until Tuesday, August 30, and all teachers are required to comply with the deadline.
In 2023, the main considerations and requirements for selecting and placing students in JSS include placement in public and private secondary schools that have been registered, secondary schools that are affiliated with public secondary schools, and primary schools as additional learning sites.