Given the expected influx of students, the government is focusing on hiring more teachers to help with CBC implementation.
The education ministry had been allocated the lion’s share of the budgetary allocation, leaving the government to pump in ksh 525.94 billion which is ksh 21.97 billion more than last year’s allocation.
TSC has also announced that it will employ only secondary school tutors, leaving behind a large batch of unemployed certificate primary teachers.
This is part of a government plan to employ 15,000 secondary school teachers, about 5,000 annual teachers, over the next three years.
TCS will then deploy 5,000 teachers in secondary schools as institutions may face a teacher shortage ,Some 2,000 interns will also be deployed in secondary and primary on a two-year contract in January.
The commission, however, says it has no plans to recruit primary school tutors, throwing the fate of thousands of unemployment P1 certificate holders into uncertainty.
This is in order to reduce the shortage of teachers in the country and reduce the jobless backlog, TSC had announced to hire a total of 37,000 teachers this year.
Register for a period of up to 10 years, this will be a punch to the head for already frustrated men and women and potential apprentices in the field, it is not clear if the move is coming out of budget concerns, but nonetheless It will be heartbreaking for the thousands of teachers who will have to wait another full year to try their luck.