John Wepoghe, Lugari Sub-County Director of Teachers Service Commission urge schools and communities to create the right environment for recruited teachers from other counties in order to produce good national results.
Wepoghe said it is the responsibility of the school and the community to ensure that the teachers have housing near the school where they work so that they do not face problems in their place of work.
He said that some teachers who were transferred from other regions might fail to produce the expected results because they worked away from their homes or were forced to work in unfavorable conditions.
The TSC Sub-County director asked the school’s Management Board to look critically at the working conditions of its teachers in terms of accommodation and general welfare while discussing the school’s results.
He said it is important for BOMs of schools and public secondary schools of the neighborhood to be concerned about how well their teachers fit into their communities and how they can help them improve the performance of their children.
Wepoghe revealed that most schools in Lugari do not have houses close to the school, so the teachers live outside the school.
He regretted that some of the teachers who were transferred became alcoholics because the BOM of the school and the surrounding community did not care about the problems teachers faced in their work.
“Sometimes we get teachers who don’t drink alcohol, but after the frustrations they have experienced in the school they have been transferred to, they drink a lot as a way to cope,” he said.
Wepoghe suggested that it is the collective responsibility of school stakeholders to ensure that teachers sent to their communities receive the attention they need as they strive to improve the standards of their schools.
He said he understood teachers were bound by TSC guidelines, but it was up to the schools and communities where they worked to ensure teachers wellness.
Speaking at the workshop on Thursday, the Director of TSC Lumaka demanded the construction of modern houses near the schools to keep teachers closer to their workplaces.