All primary and secondary school across the country closed for the end term break last week on Friday 1st July 2022.The ministry of education is trying to operate within the strictest of term dates that have proven to be the briefest in history in Kenya.
The break will last a record 10 days before schools resume for third term Beggining 11th July 2022
The Ministry of education Kenya released the official 2022 school calendar (2022 term dates) for all primary and secondary institutions earlier last year.
In Kenya, all primary & second school learners started their first term of 2022 classes on April 25, 2022.
This term was scheduled run for 10 weeks.
Ministry of education emphasizes that the term dates changes represent an effort to bring order to the academic calendar after the COVID 19 outbreak upended it.
With the stakeholder involvement, the official revised term dates were decided upon in order to cover the final two terms of the 2020 school year and stabilize the academic calendar by December 2022. This is according to a circular from the ministry of education.
According to the ministry of education, all learners are expected to report back to school on next (week Monday) 11th July 2022.
The second term will run briefly for three weeks before the learners again break for a half term to pave way for the national general elections slated for 9th of august 2022.
It is evident that a very short academic year is in the offing and the current candidate classes will have to squeeze their schedules to match the expectations of the Kenya national examinations council standards.
Teachers and students across the country are grappling with the reality of the academic tasks versus the timelines available to complete the normal syllabus that will pave way for a comfortable administration of the national examinations at the end of this year.