Thousands of teachers employed by the Teachers Service Commission (TSC) will exit the service by end of this month.
The teachers have their retirement letters long ago and its only a matter of time before they leave the school premises for good.
Some of the teachers will have reached their retirement age while others will have reached the end of their contracts.
They will all hung up their boots on 30th June 2022. At least 13,000 teachers are set to formally retire after reaching the mandatory retirement age.
The exiting of the teachers from the service will open employment opportunities for thousands of teachers who are in the cold.
TSC CEO Dr Nancy Macharia said the Commission will recruit a total of 5,000 teachers on permanent terms at a cost of sh. 2.5 billion.
She also said a total of 6,000 teachers will be recruited as interns at a tune of sh. 1.2 billion to serve for a period of one year.
The Commission will advertise the recruitment vacancies when it gets the funds in July this year.
*Below is a list of category of teachers set to leave the teaching service by the end of this month.*
*1. School heads employed on a two year contract*
The Teachers Service Commission (TSC) will send packing a total of 1,025 school heads whose two year contracts will come to an end.
The Commission had employed a total of 1,594 headteachers and principals on contract in the year 2020 after they had attained the mandatory retirement age.
The Commission CEO Dr Nancy Macharia said the school heads will be released to allow fresh recruitment to take place.
However TSC retained a total of 569 school heads whose contract was extended till December 2022.
TSC recruited primary school headteachers, secondary school principals and principals of teacher training colleges (TTCs) on contract after their retirement in the year 2020.
*2. Regular teachers who have reached mandatory retirement age*
Both classroom teachers and school administrators who have attained the mandatory retirement age will leave the service by the end of this month.
According to Government policy, public servants upon attainment of 60 years, are subject to compulsory retirement.
However one must have served in the permanent and pensionable (PnP terms) establishment to qualify for this type of retirement.
*3. Teachers with disabilities who have reached retirement age*
Teachers living with disabilities are retired at the age of 65 years in line with the Persons With Disabilities Act, 2003.
Both classroom teachers and school administrators living with disabilities but have attained the mandatory retirement age of 65 will leave the service this month.
Apart from extension of retirement age to 65 years, this category of teachers also enjoy their salaries in full because they are exempted from paying taxes i.e. PAYE.
Documents required by TSC for processing a teachers pension
*Retiring teachers need to avail the following documents to TSC:*
1. Duly filled TSC clearance certificate.
2. Two copies of bank plate both sides.
3. Two copies of national ID card both sides.
4. Duly completed option to commute pension form in duplicate.
5. Duly completed lump sum payment form (bank form).
6. Two copies each of all promotion letters/certificates.
7. The earliest copy of pay slip showing Women’s and Children’s Pensions Scheme (WCPS) deductions for male teachers.
8. Copies of marriage certificates/ affidavits to confirm names for married teachers whose documents have different names.
9. Teachers who served as Untrained Teachers to attach NSSF statement.
10. Two copies of KRA PIN certificate
*TSC has a number of retirement forms that teachers and the secretariat staff are entitled to. These are;*
• Voluntary Early Retirement
• Retirement on Medical Grounds
• Retirement on 10/50 Year Rule
• Retirement in public interest
• Compulsory Retirement on Age Grounds
• Any teacher having attained the age of 50 years, may apply to the commission in writing expressing their intention to retire.
• They need to have served for at least 10 years in addition to being at least 50 years old.
• A teacher who voluntarily retires from service shall except under circumstances special by the commission, give the commission a three months’ notice on the intention to retire.
• This is applicable to teachers who may no longer be capable of discharging their duties effectively on account of poor health.
• This type of retirement may be initiated by either the employer or the employee upon realization of the effects of health challenges on the productivity of the employee.
• A medical Board constituted by the Director of Medical Services will recommend the Retirement upon assessment of the teacher’s medical condition.
• Ultimately, even the best among us will need a rest.
• In line with GOK policy, public servants upon attainment of 60 years, are subject to compulsory retirement.
• However, Persons Living with Disabilities are retired at the age of 65 years in line with the Persons With Disabilities Act, 2003.
• One must have served in the permanent and pensionable (PnP terms) establishment to qualify for this type of retirement.
• The commission may retire a teacher on grounds of public interest upon considering every available report with regard to the complaint against the teacher and upon considering that it will be undesirable to retain the teacher in teaching service.
• A complaint or report to justify the retirement of a teacher on grounds of public interest shall demonstrate that the teacher has engaged in acts or omissions that contravene public interest and public policy as provided under:
i. The constitution or any written law;
ii. Decision made by a competent court of law; or
iii. Government policy, regulation and practice.
A teacher who retires on grounds of public interest under this regulation will be entitled to pension in accordance with the pensions act.
Upon retirement the teachers will enjoy the following benefits from government.
• Pension-Under the Pensions Act Cap.189 paid by the Director of Pensions at the National Treasury.
• Widow and Children Pension Scheme (WCPS)-Under the WCPS Act –Paid by the Director of Pensions.