TSC has introduced a watertight process to make sure that only genuine teachers get loans.
In a Circular to all teachers on validation of TPAY data system for teachers, the Chief Executive Officer for the commission Dr. Macharia maintains that once a mobile number for a teacher is verified and captured in the data system, it cannot be changed and it must be used during loan application and approval.
Teachers will be required to login to TPAY system via the payslip page on TSC website where they must enter and verify the mobile numbers. Once they enter their number and the One Time Password is sent to their phones, they will put the password to validate the mobile number by clicking on the validate tab for verification.
The valid Code will be accepted and used to verify the number which cannot be changed. The number will then be used in any loan application and approval process.
Further, the teacher service commission wants to lock out non-compliant teachers from accessing online payslips, third party transactions and P9 forms if they fail to update their TPAY data. This follows a move by the commission to fill the required data on its TPAY system.
Teacher Service Commission requires all teachers to update their profile on TPAY system in order to enhance security on teacher’s information.
In the move to protect teachers from loan sharks, the commission have ensured that going forward teachers must use OTP code which will be sent to their mobile numbers and email for verification purposes during loan application and approval process.
This will help the Commission to authenticate teachers in its system and prevent them from falling prey to fraudsters.
Due to financial constraints, some teachers have overcommitted their slips by acquiring loans from different financial institutions thus making them unable to meet their obligations.
This has drove them to stress related complications with most affected ones turning to excessive drinking and drug abuse which has resulted to teacher absenteeism.
In the new move, the commission will monitor all the loans including mobile loans and safeguard teachers from over borrowing.