A committee was established by the SRC to develop a pay scale for ECDE teachers.
According to the Kenya Union of Pre-Primary Education Teachers, they weren’t contacted when SRC recommended a new compensation structure for early childhood development and education teachers.
Last year, the Commission established a committee to look into new job evaluation, grading, and pay structures for Early Childhood Development Education teachers. The committee then sent a letter to the council of governors.
“After series of deliberations with relevant stakeholders and considering challenges in funding and remuneration for the ECDE Teachers at all counties, the Commission has come up with a salary structure for all ECDE based on the results of the job evaluation,” the letter read in part.
In an interview, Opiyo Samuel, the secretary general of the Kenya Union Of Pre Primary Education Teachers, claimed that despite being a stakeholder, SRC had not consulted them before creating the compensation structure recommendation. Since the SRC salaries are less than the minimum wage, he praised the county governments for rejecting them.
A certificate holder qualifying as an Assistant ECDE Teacher III should make between 7,836 and 8,717 shillings per month, according to the SRC guideline.
SRC also suggests senior ECDE teachers with 15 years of experience to earn a monthly salary between 15, 224 and 19,064 shillings.
The pay for degree holders was not covered in the SRC advice. They did, however, divide them into seven Job Evaluation grades: Graduate ECDE Teacher III (entry), II, and I; Principal Graduate ECDE Teacher II and I (Assistant Director); Senior Principal Graduate ECDE Teacher II (Deputy Director); and Chief Principal ECDE Teacher (Director).
The advisory SRC committee also suggested commuter and home allowances, adding that the latter should be provided in accordance with the current SRC circulars, which group them into four clusters