The teachers who used their passport while wearing eyeglasses or a head covering must reapply before the deadline.This is according to a directive from the Teachers Service Commission, or TSC.
The commission orders school heads to verify the validity of all teachers’ emails and mobile phone numbers in a message emailed to school administrators.
“The T-Pay, validation and verification have been completed, but please take note that if you uploaded your passport while wearing glasses, you must upload it again after removing your glasses.
Equally double-check the accuracy of your email, mobile devices, and teachers. Any errors made by the verification officer will result in disciplinary action from TSC headquarters, according to a TSC statement.
Teachers’ TPAY validation exercise began on June 9th, 2022, and is scheduled to end on July 15th, 2022.
The teachers can contact TSC County Offices or for assistance with the verification process.
Now Follow these easy actions if you’re a teacher who hasn’t updated your passport size photo, verified your email address, or verified your phone number:
Make access the payslip page through the TSC website and log into TPAY,
Then upload a passport photo clearly showing the face, without glasses or head–covered,
Next is to enter and verify current mobile numbers,
Then once you enter the mobile number and OTP (One Time Password) will be sent to your mobile number,
Next is to Input the OTP to validate the mobile number,
Finally Click on the validate tab to verify that it is the correct mobile number,
Take note that only legitimate codes will be accepted, and once a number has been validated, it cannot be modified. During the loan application and approval processes, the cellphone number will be used.
Finally enter and validate the Commission’s official email address, such as
Take Note: An OTP code will be emailed to the specified email address. The email can only be verified with a valid code. When applying for and approving loans, the email will be used.
Finally to check the email, select the validate tab.