According to TSC CEO Nancy Macharia, the spaces will assist the commission in preparing for the Junior Secondary School in 2023.
The Teachers Service Commission (TSC) has declared that there are 11,000 job opportunities.
Approximately 5,000 job openings will be available, with another 6,000 internship opportunities.
According to TSC CEO Nancy Macharia, the spaces will assist the commission in preparing for the Junior Secondary School in 2023.
The majority of the new teachers and interns would be sent to sub-county schools that serve a high number of children, Macharia said during the release of the 2021 KCSE results at Mtihani House on Saturday.
During the upcoming recruiting, we will focus more on staffing sub-county secondary schools, which enroll the majority of students,” she said.
She went on to say that the National Treasury has set aside Ksh2.5 billion for the fiscal year 2022/2023, which would be used to hire more permanent and pensionable teachers.
“I want to reassure the country that the Commission will immediately begin the process of recruiting teachers so that they can report to work as soon as possible, alleviating the current teacher shortage in schools,” Dr. Macharia added.
To deal with the country’s teaching shortfall, an additional Ksh1.2 billion has been set aside for intern recruitment.
The government has set aside Ksh1.2 billion from the TSC to hire 6,000 interns as a stopgap measure to address the shortage of 114,581 teachers,” she said.
She went on to note that a training exercise will begin soon, with 60,000 teachers assigned to the incoming junior high school courses, Grades 7 and 8, as part of the Competency Based Curriculum (CBC).
Keep checking the page for more updates regarding TSC Recruitment 2022
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