Every successful candidate wants to join the Teacher Service Commission as soon as possible after graduation.
However, because graduates are already overburdened, some study combinations have been shown to be useless.
As a result, graduates are dissatisfied, frustrated and disappointed. TSC does not absorb these mixtures immediately.
What will be the fate of the following subjects in 2023, now that CBC is fast approaching?
1) History / Kiswahili
Despite the fact that it is a required language in all secondary schools, there has been a rush of combinations that allow graduate instructors to work for the TSC for five years without being hired. For the time being, university students should avoid this combo as an illness.
2) Business Studies/Mathematics
This is yet another combo that has disappointed throughout the years. It has been stated that 6 years is the lowest amount of time you may go without working full-time.
In the interim, until further notice, this combination should be avoided.
3) History/CRE
Religion and history are another combination that has failed professors. It has long been one of the most sought after by companies due to its versatility.
4) Geography and CRE
The Teachers Service Commission rarely advertises this combination because it only has elective courses. As a result, assimilation of TSC takes a very long period.
5) Geometry/mathematics
Chemistry, physics, biology, business studies, computer science, and physical education are all broken down/linked to mathematics. As a result, the geographer’s position as the lone human affiliated with mathematics makes it difficult for TSC to hire him.
6) Kiswahili / CRE
This is yet another instance of religion and Swahili being used to degrade teachers. It has long been one of the most sought after by companies due to its versatility.
We must urge those who are going to university or those who have children in high school to choose the correct combination of courses for those who wish to pursue education as a career to avoid disappointment