The Teachers Service Commission (TSC), that has been experiencing challenges on teacher absenteeism, has benefited greatly from the usage of the Teacher Professional Appraisal and Development (TPAD) system that has shown more than 90% of primary and secondary school tutors responsible.
Although some instructors still experienced difficulties in utilizing the system, The TSC Chief Executive Nancy Macharia stated that their data shows that utilization has helped to reduce teacher absenteeism, boost accountability, and enhance the caliber of instruction in schools.
According to Dr. Macharia, a total of 319,584 teachers in both elementary and secondary schools who logged into the system and completed their online forms successfully before submitting them to TSC for the most recent assessments.
As per to the TSC report, 32 counties achieved TPAD completion rates of more over 90%.
It is only Baringo County achieved a completion percentage of 79.4%, and incidents of local instability are to blame for this.
Highest percentage of full appraisals were found in Lamu and Nairobi Counties, at 99.36 and 99.05 percent, respectively.
According to TSC, Samburu had one of the highest percentages of teachers who have finished their evaluations, going from 55.92% in the second term of 2021 to 84.67% at the time.These Teachers from the follow countiey were Uncooperative
*COUNTY No. OF Non Compliant Teacher*
Meru *1,107*
Kitui *1,560*
Siaya *1,004*
Kisii *1,474*
Uasin Gishu. *1,073*
Narok *1,019*
Migori *1,469*
Baringo *1,570*
In the first term of 2021, 287,400 instructors finished their evaluations, according to TSC.
the number of teachers climbed to 293,419, whereas 319,584 instructors had finished their appraisals by the conclusion of term three.
According to Ms. Macharia, the commission’s ultimate goal is to have complete conformity with the appraisal process.
With the purpose of enhancing learning, the commission employs the system for official evaluation to assess the caliber and efficacy of instructors.
The Promotions and career advancement for teachers are significantly influenced by these evaluation forms.
Dr. Macharia has requested that county directors supply a list of teachers who have not yet been entered into the system, along with an explanation of why this is the case and a list of any potential missing schools.